I have had many friends in my life but the past few years I became really close to a few ladies that I absolutely adore and who I would do anything for.
When they are happy I am happy, when they want to beat someone up I want to as well, if they are sad I feel their devastation.
The past 12 months have been some of the most exciting, anxious and devastating times of my life (or so it seems) I gave birth to my sweet baby A, had to spend the first week of her life in the NICU, then I packed and unpacked my classroom what felt like 50 million times, learned that two of my closest friends were moving away and have started a new school year without them.
I know that they are on to bigger an better things and that soon their lives will be so much more amazing then they would have been if they had stayed in this small town with nowhere to go and discouragement all around but, I miss them every single day because I know we will never be together again.
I miss our Thursday night dinners and I miss that if I needed to vent while I was at work or cry because my hubby hurt my feelings or because I am sensitive and someone looked at me wrong in the hallway they were only a few doors away. Now they are an hour away.
But what I miss most right now is that one of my friends is hurting and I am not there to try and make her smile. The past few days I would think I am going to stop and buy B a sweet treat, maybe I'll pick her up breakfast or a coffee and then I quickly remind myself that I can't do those things anymore :(
If I were with my friend I would let her vent, tell her everything was going to be ok if that is what she wanted to hear, be mad at the world if that is what she needed or just be there to listen and give an encouraging smile when I passed her in the hallway.
I can't tell her how many times she has been my anchor when I just didn't know how to handle this working mom thing and I would tell her that when I am at school and lonely I always look at the note she gave me that says...
Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.
I care about you B! You are one of the best friends I ever had and even though we are miles apart know that I am thinking about you, praying for you and love you!
Thanks for being such a great friend and if you need me to I will drive to visit you in a heartbeat!
Can't wait till our next girls night!
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